List of Light Novel Labels
Japanese Dictionary Extensions
If you're trawling through Japanese articles and announcements, these can be very helpful browser extensions if you have knowledge of kana.
All below extensions will provide popups of various kana readings and interchangeable dictionary definitions when hovering over Japanese text.
Romanization Converters & Dictionaries
- Jisho and Tangorin - Online Japanese-English dictionaries. Includes romaji (Tangorin) and furigana (both) readings.
- MDBG - Online Chinese-English dictionary. Includes pinyin reading.
- [Korean Romanization Converter]( - Run by Pusan National University. "Proper Nouns ①" follows the romanization used for AL's Anime/Manga titles (Revised Romanization of Korean).
- Papago - Online translation service run by Naver Korea. More reliable for Korean romanizations than Google Translate.
- Korean Genealogy and Wikipedia - Two different exhaustive lists of Korean surnames in hangul and hanja. Korean Genealogy also has a list of Korean given names in hangul and hanja.
Character Sources & Tools
- Chara-tan - A useful site to get character birthdays from.
- SauceNAO - A Google Chrome and Firefox extension to find the source of images.
- Text Compare - It allows you to compare two different texts online. It's very useful to compare character descriptions.
Covers & Images
BOOKWALKER Cover Grabber
BOOKWALKER's often very large volume covers can be very useful for use in making character images or banners, or simply to have a very high-quality cover you can immediately upload to the website for the XL cover feature.
- Make a new bookmark and paste the following JavaScript in the Address/URL field: